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To You, O LORD, belongs righteousness (Dan 9:7).

You act “in a just, upright manner” (ref#110, p1156)—

“making no mistakes.”
You are inerrant (ref#110, p690).

FATHER, You are upright (Ps 92:15)

and, FATHER, You are innocent.
You are sinless (ref#110, p1253)—

“without defect or error” (ref#110, p676).

There is no unrighteousness in You (Ps 92:15).
You are incapable of failing,
and One absolutely infallible
for You are “dependable, reliable, sure” (ref#110, p691).

You are “without conditions or reservations;”

You are absolute—
Unconditional (ref#110, p1452)
and “incapable of wrong doing” (ref#110, p676).

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