
To Be Purposeful

FATHER, prompt ____ to strip off and throw aside every encumbrance and let (him/her) run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before (him/her), looking away from all that will distract, to JESUS (Heb 12:1-2).

ATTENTIVE FATHER, allow ____ to discover the unnecessary things that are just occupying (his/her) time. Show (him/her) the things to do that are most worthwhile (ref# 81, July 29). In all (his/her) affairs may (he/she) distinguish between the important and the urgent. May (his/her) character and not (his/her) circumstances chiefly engage (him/her) (ref# 76, p78). May (his/her) desires for a good self-image be replaced with glory-making for You alone. Soli Deo Gloria—To GOD alone the glory.

Embolden ____’s cowardly hesitation (Rev 21:8). You say the one who conquers will possess Your heritage (Rev 21:7). Remind (him/her) repeatedly to be actively persistent—to be purposeful in (his/her) daily activities (Heb 12:1).

The one fact CHRIST mentions to all seven churches He addresses in the book of Revelation is if they overcome He will grant them fellowship (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 26: 3:5, 12, 21). I pray for ____, FATHER, to prevail over the tangents on the race set before (him/her) whether they come in moments of urgency or during the mundane tasks of life.