Non Christian

Who Are the Resisters?

FATHER, Your general revelation makes You universally known (Rom 1:19-20). But, although everyone knows of You, many refuse to honor You or give You thanks (Rom 1:21). Instead many give worship and pay homage to other powers and objects (Rom 1:23) even though their conscience condemns them (ref#56, p1613, “Mankind’s Guilty Knowledge of God”).

FATHER, You rise up early and speak, but I’m not sure ____ hears; You call (him/her) but (he/she) does not answer (Jer 7:13). I don’t believe that (he/she) knows that sinning against You wrongs (his/her) own soul (Prov 8:36). (He/She) seems to be wise in (his/her) own eyes and clever in (his/her) own sight (Isa 5:21).

Sometimes (he/she) is as quick to flee from You, as Jonah (Jonah 1:3). Sometimes (he/she) does not pay attention to Your outstretched hand (Prov 1:24), ignoring Your counsel and having none of Your reproof (Prov 1:25). Yes, most often (he/she) is complacent toward You, not seeking or inquiring of You (Zeph 1:6). As a “resister,” ____ makes two mistakes: (he/she) forsakes You (Jer 2:13), and depends on (his/her) own wisdom (Rom 1:22).

FATHER, I pray that ____ has not become so complacent that (he/she) is settled and indifferent toward You (ref#56, p1317, [Zeph 1:12])—that (he/she) sits down comfortable in the seat of scoffers (Ps 1:1).

Please put a fear of You in (him/her) so (he/she) accepts correction (Zeph 3:7). I long to see the day when (he/she) waits for You (Zeph 3:8)—when (he/she) calls upon You and serves You (Zeph 3:9).

It is You alone who will take away the judgments against ____ (Zeph 3:15). You alone are the mighty One who will save (Zeph 3:17). You alone gather the outcasts (Zeph 3:19). And, in You alone (he/she) will rest quietly content in Your sovereignty and love (Zeph 3:17) convinced You always have (his/her) best interests in mind.

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