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“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all…” (Ps 104:24 ESV).

FATHER, You are “omniscient.” You know all things and have infinite knowledge (ref#110, p946).

You have “wisdom.” You have the “power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action” (ref#110, p1533).

You are “knowing.” You are aware and have knowledge, understanding and are deliberate and intentional (ref#110, p748).

You are a “torch”—“a source of enlightenment, illumination, inspiration” (ref#110, p1411).

You are “luminous.” You are filled with light—clear and brilliant (ref#110, p804). “Great is our Lord…His understanding is infinite” (Ps 147:5 NASU).


FATHER, how manifold are Your works (Ps 104:24).

You are omniscient—
knowing all things and
having infinite knowledge (ref#110, p946).

In wisdom You have made Your works (Ps 104:24).

You have the “power of judging rightly

and following the soundest course of action.”
You are the all-wise GOD (ref#110, p1533).

Great are You, LORD (Ps 147:5).
You are the “source of enlightenment;”
You illuminate and inspire (ref#110, p1411).

You are filled with light (ref#110, p804).

Your understanding is infinite (Ps 147:5);

You are the all-knowing GOD—

deliberate and intentional—
And aware of everything (ref#110, p748).