
Spontaneous Worship

I ascribe to You, GOD, THREE IN ONE, the glory due Your name even though I’m a creature only able to recognize or express a tiny bit of Your glory. You are perfect and pure (Rev 15:4). My spirit, so inclined to sin, falls prostrate before Your feet to pay honor to You (Rev 19:10). With fear and trembling (Ps 96:9) I gaze upon Your beauty— Your delightful loveliness—Your sweet attractiveness (Ps 27:4).

You bless me by choosing me and causing me to come near that I may dwell in Your presence. You make me satisfied by fearful and glorious things—these things that terrify the wicked but make me sing praises (Ps 65:4,5). Truly, a day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere (Ps 84:10). I spontaneously worship in the splendor of Your holiness (Ps 29:2).